Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Let's see . . . it's been awhile since I have blogged. Time is flying by. I brought you up to date with the birth of my girls. I still have stuff to tell you about raising them. Fun Fun!

But . . . before I get to that, I have to say, next month I will be going to my 40th High School Reunion. How is that going to be? I haven't been back to California in 30 years! I went to my 10th reunion, and that was an eye opener. Meaning, how people changed in just 10 years, the "popular" girls had put on weight and some of the guys were balding. WTF, in just 10 years???? Sooooo, this 40th one should be who the hell are you??? LMAO. I on the other hand can't wait to see my friends because I am looking like I did for the 10th . . . pretty damn good, if I do say so.

Of course I too had gained weight, BUT I lost 65 pounds to date and reached my goal of 120! VERY happy with that goal. Needless to say, I am ready to show off ;-). I didn't loose the weight because of the reunion, I had already did that before I received the announcement telling me we were having one. I lost the weight after I saw myself in a picture from Kim,'s one of my daughter, college graduation. I looked at the picture and said NO WAY is that me! That is when I started on my journey of changing what I ate and exercising. It is life changing, that is for sure. I eat healthier and swim a mile every day. It took two years to get here and I have kept it off for over a year. There is no way I am going to gain it back either. I feel and look better then I have in years.

So . . . anyone reading this and wants/needs to loose, "yes you can do it" is the saying you need to say to yourself. Stop making excuses and "do it". *Climbing down from soap box* ;-)

My next blog will be from a time when the girls were infants.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

March 20, 1985 - "The Big Day"

The "Big Day" has finally arrived! Al came in at 7:30 AM, at 7:35 a nurse came into catheterize me OUCH!! That really hurt! At 8:00 AM I was wheeled into the labor room, where I was given an epidural. The needle itself didn't hurt, but having to sit up and bend over was a job and a half. The feeling was strange, the anesthesiologist kept checking to make sure I was getting numb. Kathy, Dr. Zelnick's nurse came in, she would be going into the operating room. Then Dr. Zelnick came in to see how I was. Deacon Humphrey came in and gave me a blessing.

The anesthesiologist kept checking my blood pressure with a machine. It was getting really low so he did it manually and somehow he was able to read it. I was REALLY nervous. I remember telling Al this was it, and I kept shaking because of nerves. I also said to Al, no matter if we have all boys or all girls this was it!!!

Then it was time to wheel me into the operating room. It was strange with no feeling from my chest down to my toes. I was put on the operating table, then everything starting happening, the nurse and Dr. Zelnick put sterilized liquid on my abdomen, then a drape was put at my chest so I couldn't see the operation. Al was at my left side of my head, so was Kathy. The anesthesiologist was at the top of head, another nurse was at my right arm. Dr Zelnick was at my left side then I don't know where everyone else was. There were three neo-natologists, three nursing teams, and three doctors. I didn't feel any pain when Dr. Zelnick was cutting me open. The only think I felt when Dr. Z started lifting the babies out was, a huge weight was being lifted off of me. Dr. Shram, Dr. Zelnick's partner was there also. Then at 9:58 AM it was announced a GIRL, another GIRL and another GIRL! I must say I was shocked, I just knew I was going to have all boys, but I was so happy I had girls. To hear three little babies wailing away was something. The main thing was that they were all healthy and had all their parts :-). The first time I was able to see them was when they were being weighed. They were names Baby A, Baby B, Baby C. I was given three more ID bracelets on my wrist with their "names". After the babies were somewhat cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket with little smurf hats on, a nurse brought over Baby A for me to kiss. During this Al took pictures and when they were ready to wheel the babies to newborn nursery he went with them. Because of their weights: 6 lbs. 2 ozs., 5 lbs. 3 ozs. and 6 lbs they didn't have to go to newborn neo-natal. Everyone in the operating room was amazed at the size and what good health the babies were in. Of course I just knew everything was going to be all right. After all, every two weeks, Dr. Zelnick took a sonogram to make sure they were growing at a good pace.

I was stitched and clamped then put on a stretcher and brought to the recovery room. On my way in and out of the operating room Deacon Humphrey was there praying for us. I was so grateful to him for being there the whole time. Mom & Dad got to come into the recovery room to say goodbye for a week. They were able to see the babies when they were being transported to the newborn nursery.

Being in the recovery room I missed everyone awaiting the arrival of the girls at the newborn nursery. Everyone form Finance was there including Fred, Martha, Dianne and Lynn.

The worst part was the nurse pushing on my stomach to get any extra blood out! When I finally was wheeled back to my room, everyone had left.

At 4:00 PM I finally got see our babies. I was still groggy from the pain medicine I had been given, so I wasn't with it. It just seemed so strange that these three beautiful little girls who were kicking the daylights out of me the day before are just laying in the "cribs" so peacefully.

Al was so proud of the girls and handled them like an old pro. It seemed like the camera was clicking away every minute.

Their little arms, fingers, legs and toes are so skinny and perfect. But it was hard to really enjoy them because of the pain and sleepiness.

Then Al left, I know he was tired, but was flying on cloud nine. I wonder if he remembers driving home.

March 19, 1985

Well, today I go to the hospital! I'm nervous to say the least!

Here I am. Mom & Dad brought me to the hospital where Al was. We went to admitting where we had to wait a bit, then I was admitted and got into a wheel chair. They took my blood pressure, weighed holy moly I weigh 195! Then we talked to the anesthesiologist and he talked about the epidural and we told him about the triplets. He didn't even know it. Somehow I would have thought he should have known that, oh well. Then off to my room. All the nurses are excited about the triplets. After I was undress and in bed, the nurses came to take my temperature, pulse and listen to the babies heart beats!!!

Al, Mom & Dad went for dinner in the cafeteria. I had a dinner and now I'm alone, they have all gone home.

The second shift came in checked me again, then one of the nurse came in and shaved me. I said I am having a c-section, she said Dr. Zelnick ordered this . . . I didn't care for that!

The nurse asked if I wanted a sleeping pill but no way! After all this, I didn't want to take anything unnecessary.

March 18, 1985

Wow, it has been over a month since I wrote in my journal.

My parents are here. Mom took some pictures of Dad and me before we went to the doctor's office for my checkup. It's getting tougher and tougher to get around. We met Al there and AL and I went into the examining room. Dr. Zelnick listened to the heart beats, everything sounds good. We talked about when he would schedule me fro the c-section because it is becoming really unbearable. We suggested the 20th because Mom and Dad have to leave to go back to Montgomery for a wedding reception they are catering. Dr. Z. called the hospital to see if he could schedule the room and yes so . . . . just two more days and we will know if we have girls, boys or both!!! Mom and Dad were happy they would be here for the happy occasion.

I'm happy but really scared. Al made all the necessary arrangement and so tomorrow at 2 PM I go into the hospital.

Oh and the 20th of March is Kathy and Jeff's 3rd anniversary.

February 11, 1985

Another Monday, so another trip to the doctors. Dianne took me, which is so nice of her. I just couldn't drive myself. Afterwards we went to the hospital and had lunch with Al. Then we went back to this office which to my surprise, a third baby shower. Barbara made three little babies in a basket which she folded one dollar bills for a skirt around the basket it was $92.00! We decided to buy three high chairs. I also received three bunny outfits from Kathy; three kimonos and three blankets and three squeaky toys from Barbara.

February 10, 1985

Another surprise day, the church along with Dianne and Lynn gave me another surprise baby shower. The cake had written on it: AL + LIL = 5! How cute was that.

I received: three rattles from Danielle Hart; three kimonos from Myra Schwebel; baby cosmetics from Donna Naples, a Rocking Horse music box from Rita Cote and Skip Riehle; $20.00 from Bea Adams Playtex bottles from Kerri; t-shits, coupons and baby wipes from Geri Treadway; three Pelueccios and three booties from Jan Hill; receiving blankets, towels and bibs from Carol Dennis & Mom (Genesa); three crib sheets from Inez & Dena; card from Donna Roesler; Pampers from Dot; bath tub from CCD Students; bath tub, wash cloths and sheets from Mimi; Luvs and diaper stacker from Betty; Luvs from Monique & family; Pampers from Eric Peterson; two packages of Luvs from Martha; diaper bag & supplies from Pearl Bornich; Car seat and baby bumper from St. David's Women's Club; Baby bumper & Car seat from CCD Teachers; Car seat from Dianne, Lynn, Monique & Bev; Money from Martha Ryan.

We played a baby bingo game that was fun. The food was good. Gerri Treadway brought a parasol, white with streamers that was over me, really pretty.

By the time the shower was over I was exhausted. But that was so nice of everyone.

February 9, 1985

This has been a very surprising day!!! Martha gave me a baby shower. I/we received a lot of nice gifts. The one I can't believe is from Eileen and Frank . . . they gave us a triplet stroller!!! BELIEVE me, I know that is going to be so useful. Other items are: a check for $25.00 from Terry Schantz; three yellow thermal blankets from Cleste Crawford; three sweater sets from Eileen's Mom; three sheets and kimonos from Debbie; three multi color blankets from Valli; sacs and booties from Brenda; Baby Cookie Monster, Baby Big Bird, Baby Grouch from Rusti; three pacifiers, sleepers and towels from Sharon; pink dress and swimsuit from Laura Bond; lap pads, sheets, bibs, shirts and Binky's from Patti; bear pillow and lamp from Adriane; booties and bibs from Carlene; lap pads and blankets from Andre; Pampers and book from Bunny and JoAnn; teething rings $10.00 and Luvs from Laura; play pen from Jeannie; bumper guards for the three cribs from Dianne and Lynn; diaper bag from Terry; rocking carrier from Susan; three bear banks from Anne; three rattles, two boxes of Pampers from Ellen; diapers from Billie; Clown lamp from Pam and Adriane; bear wall collage from Lois.

It was a real nice baby shower. Al made the cake with bottles and a rattle, it was really pretty. The food was good and it was good seeing everyone from work and friends. I haven't seen in a long time. We played some baby games, of course . . .

The day was long and tiring but I had a really good time.